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Peel of Yolk, 250g

Peel of Yolk, 250g

Regular Price: €15.40

Special Price €14.30


(In stock)


Holy Bones of Yolk, 200 gramos


Angler of Marzipan, 500g

Peel of Yolk, 250g

  • Casca de Reis de Gemma Casca de Reis de Gemma

Holy Bones of Yolk, 200 gramos


Angler of Marzipan, 500g

Peel of Yolk, 250g

Very well known in Valencia. They carry marzipan stuffed with tender candied yolk, in the form of a rosco. It has a very soft texture for its cooked and the yolk of its interior.

In the area of Levante there is a tradition almost lost of the godfathers to give "casques de Reis" to their godchildren instead of the roscón de Reyes, of French origin. 



Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €15.40

Special Price €14.30

Product Reviews
Number of reviews : 1
Average rating : 5 /5
I. Pedro
5/ 5

Yolk shells, 250 grams, marzipan rosso stuffed with yolk. Product consumed a lot in Valencia.

Responsable Fabrica Máster SL, Calle el Vall, 26. Tienda offline. Jijona, Alicante
Peso 500g
Marca No
Ingredientes Mazapan (Almendra 50% "ramillete", 66% azúcar, glucosa, conservante E200, yema confitada (50%), colorante E-I60A, albumina de huevo y trazas de almidón de maíz.
Formato Producto enrollado en celofán

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Product Reviews
Number of reviews : 1
Average rating : 5 /5
I. Pedro
5/ 5